Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Voting against your own self-interest

This whole argument from the left about how the tea partiers, or working class Republicans, are "Voting against your own self-interest" is starting to piss me off.

It goes something like this. Are you rich?

Then why do you care if rich people get taxed more, when that money will go to help you.

Or, why would you vote for someone that isn't going to do anything to help you? Don't you want free health care, or lower cost health care? Don't you want housing assistance? Don't you want to help cure poverty? Don't you want to a better country to live in? That other side isn't going to help you at all. We will help you, and you are voting against your own self-interest.

Of course, the whole basis of this argument is that more government, more "rights", more taxes, more nanny programs, are actually going to help the situation. There is this belief on the left that these problems can actually be solved by government. From the economy to poverty, the Left thinks every single ailment of society is a problem to be solved, and that more government is the answer. But have any of these government "solutions" actually worked. Where is the proof that the War on Poverty actually did anything? Last I checked the poverty rate seems to be in a holding pattern between 11 and 15% since the Great Society program started. What about the war on drugs? That's been going really well. No, I don't want free health care, cause everything has a cost, and I don't believe a government take over will actually lower costs. When has that ever happened? The government can actually do something more efficiently than the free market, really? Please give me an example of that. Or what about "No child left behind", the list goes on and on.

If you really want to challenge yourself on some of the ideas that are just accepted as fact these days, pick up a copy of Economic Facts and Fallacies by Thomas Sowell. Ideas like, everything from a high minimum wage helps the poor, so does rent control, strict controls by government are needed to protect people from capitalist predators, black slavery in the US is the worst the world has ever known. You may be surprised to find that often these ideas not only don't help, they actually have the exact opposite effect on the groups of people they are aiming to help.

If thinking that using my money to solve my problems by using my value system is "voting against my own self-interest" than maybe you are right. But first, I would say how do you know what my self-interest is? That's very presumptuous for you to assume that you know what is good for me. Apparently, the left has reached some level of "omniscience" to have that sort of knowledge. Or maybe they just think all those really smart people in government have the all knowing ability to make that determination for everyone. I'd say take a look around you, look at what works in the world really well, and what doesn't. How many of those things working really well are the products of government? I'm going to wager not many. So what possibly leads you to believe more government is the solution to any problem. On the basis that has worked so well in the past? I mean really. This lie that the Left has drilled into us is starting to crumble. It just doesn't make sense anymore.

My self interest is in making sure there in opportunity for my children in the future. I do not see how a over reaching, over spending government that is squandering my money on useless and unsuccessful programs racking up an unsustainable amount of debt and continues to believe that additional government intervention in the economy is going to lead to growth supports my self interest. I don't believe this lie anymore. Its not a bill of goods I'm willing to accept.

So stop telling me or anymore else what their self-interests are you elitist, presumptuous meddling twerps. Why don't you let people figure out what their own self interests are with their votes and how they spend their dollars. Keep your Utopian ideas and failed social experiments to yourself, and let the rest of us carve out our own paths. We really don't need your type of "help", which is just a ploy to gain more power and control over others.

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