Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Solution to Energy and Immigration Problems in US

Solution: annex Mexico. Think about it for awhile. Mexico is the number two supplier of oil to the US behind Canada. Annexing Mexico would change the trade balance in a big way, and give us some 20% of our daily oil supply.

But the real benefit it when it comes to Social Security. Right now, as we all know Social Security is in trouble. The fund is being drawn down and will evaporate sometime within the next 30 years, depending on who you ask and how they do the math. Social Security is a pay as you go system. Basically, the young people pay for the old people. The only way such a system can stay solvent, aside from having a large fund that is making interest, is to insure there are more people coming into the work force then going out. The growth rate in the US and the baby boomers of the past screwed this all up. The only real way to fix Social Security other than totally restructuring it or lower benefits, is to have a giant infusion of new payers. This is where Mexico comes in. Simple isn't it.

Now there are other benefits too like instead of a huge thousand mile border to worry about, we would have a really small one with Guatamala and Belize. The cost savings to border patrol and home land security would be amazing.

I don't think it would even have to be a violent sort of thing. At the rate Mexicans are pouring into this country, I think it would be as simple as just calling them up and working out a deal. That might go something like this:

"Hello Felipe? It's Barack. I was thinking things are getting pretty tough down there, life is probably getting you down, isn't it? I've got a deal for you. How about we give you a sweet position in the administration and you let us make Mexico the 51st state?"

Felipe, "Seriously, hombre? That sounds great. Can you send a few f16's in to take out the drug cartels, first, they are driving me nuts."

Obama, "no problem, consider it done."

Felip, "Lets make it happen."

Then any illegals Mexicans living in the US, simply prove they came from Mexico and they get full citizenship. We'd make that process really easy, because we want them paying income and payroll taxes as soon as possible.

It would take a giant spin campaign to not come across as US aggression, but someone like Obama could sort that out. I'm sure that wouldn't be too complicated to pull off.

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